
I have determined (99% sure) that the auxiliary heater pump on my 1998 XK8 has failed. I have located the water valve but much to my embarrassment I can't find the pump. Where is it -- or more importantly, how does one get at it.

Any assistance will be appreciated.


Submitted by on Mon, 12/26/2011 - 16:34

Hi Steven,

Thanks for the info. This project is a good reminder of why I keep my 1964 2CV and 1967 Alfa GTV -- vehicles with parts I can get at.


Submitted by stevejag@sbcgl… on Mon, 12/19/2011 - 16:22

It is a real pain in the you-know-what. On the XK8 it is basically on the top of the transmission, slightly below and behind the firewall. Usually the best thing is to remove the throttle body and some bracketing attached to the bellhousing bolts, then you can fish it out.

Welcome to the world of sports cars!