I recently found a spray color that is very close to the color used under the seats. Don't know if it's OK for points cars but it looks close to me.
RUST-OLEUM Professional High Performance Enamel Light Machine Gray #7581. It sprays much nicer than your regular spray cans.

Submitted by david.kenny@sy… on Sun, 04/17/2011 - 18:30

This may be late. But, when I resrtored my seats, I took the base to the local paint store which had a color reader. They were able to produce a perfect match in a modern water soluble enamel. Dave

Submitted by c.roberts@symp… on Fri, 03/11/2011 - 23:22


Yup, that sounds about right. The original colour has been described as a "machine grey", so yours is probably close enough for JCNA judging. According to the JCNA Judging Guide, colours just have to be reasonably close, not exact. So, if it is close enough for you, go ahead.

I matched the seat colour to Dupont Spectral Code LS168, which you should still be able to get as a Nason paint mix.

Cheers, Mark R.