I should probably introduce myself first. I bought a Regent Grey 1986 XJ-S about 1.5 years ago and have been slowly restoring it. I never really meant to restore it. I meant to replace the carpet and repaint it. But one thing led to another and here I am.

My current problem involves replacing the front and rear glass. I bought used glass off Ebay and both the front and back are pristine. After several companies declined to install it either because as they said "we don't do Jaguars" or "we don't install glass we don't provide" an installer was found who agreed to install front and rear glass and charge per hour.

I ordered what appears to be the ONLY front/rear gaskets for the windshield, front gasket number BDC7178 and rear gasket number BD44393.

The installer swears that the front rubber aftermarket gasket does not have a groove into which the chrome trim fits as with the original Jaguar rubber gasket. One problem I have just realized is that I did NOT order the second piece for the front glassÔÇöa rubber "lockstrip" that is to be installed after the gasket. Is this the problem? Does this lockstrip help to secure the chrome trim in any way?

On the rear glass, the installer swears that the aftermarket rear gasket rubber BD44393 is too large to fit, saying it is much puffier than the original rear gasket it replaces. I found several remarks online from XJ-S owners saying that glass installers originally thought either the front or rear or BOTH gaskets were too large at first, but later realized they would fit if installed correctly.

It looks like the ONLY current supplier of the front and rear windshield gaskets and lockstrip is APA/URO. Has anyone else had an issue with installing the front/rear glass using their gaskets?

Thanks to any that respond. I need to get this done so that the car can finally leave the shop after 1 year and go to paint.
