Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 07/31/2001 - 18:00

Betcha thought this was some new juicy gossip about Franklin, eh?

Well, it's not. THIS controversy is the one about getting concours, rally, and slalom results while the season is ongoing. The message thread started on the web master/editor forum is a first, crude attempt at one way to do this. There will soon be others and we'll be able to see whether that scum bucket back east or the western dandy is ahead or behind us whenever we want to know. Night or day - and while it still matters to our chances of North American glory!

I wish more than most that the thuderbolt grease slapper JCNA score cruncher was working, but it isn't and won't be in 2001 unless a miracle happens. However, those that know me can testify that I'm not easily stopped from obtaining ANY objective I've committed myself to. THIS objective is to get scores and times listed on the JCNA site in a way that clubs can put up their own scores - or shut up!

Please post responses discussing specific ways to do this easily to the webmaster/editor forum. Every good club president knows that they are the source of all knowledge anyway!.

Post responses HERE to the desirability of achieving the objective and other less "techie/journie" aspects of the problem.

I thank you for your support. Once again, JDRC/NWA blazes the path forward for the rest of JCNA!

Steve Averill, President