Man, What a weekend!! 120 VSCCA and JCNA cars at this beautiful scenic location in CT for 2 days of driving enjoyment! What a great opportunity to hone driving skills at "speed", without worrying about the law!

The cars were fabulous,with vintage cars of all makes, not the least of which were Jaguars. As usual Donovan stole the Jaguar show with his 400 HP '62 E type screaming around the track in one min. flat, leaving the rest of us choking on his exhaust fumes! Quite a sight.

The people gathered at the BIG BEND,(JANE, JTC, JCSNE, & SFJC) in the grassy area, were all smiles till the torrential rain and high wind threatened to blow away the huge tent under which we were drinking Champagne in preparation for dinner! False alarm, as the ropes held, and we enjoyed the great food and live music while we ate and drank.

No description here can convey the feeling of having been there. Lots of novices got their feet wet(literally) on the track, and those with previous experience got to show off in a safe environment.

I'd be willing to bet that you'll see virtually everyone back again next year.

All of us thank Charles Bordin and the volunteer corner workers who made our weekend so memorable.

Submitted by on Tue, 05/10/2011 - 03:13


Wow! Thanks for the great research.

If I read your information correctly, mixed form starts with 1E17892 (USA LHD OTS?) and continuous form starts with 1E18004 (LHD OTS). My 1968 LHD OTS chassis number is 1E17044, which is prior to either of those numbers. Does that mean I have the same carpet as the series 1 cars, and what was that carpet?

On a new thread that I recently started with the same topic, I mentioned that I was waiting for a response from World Upholstery letting me know if their carpet was flocked. Here is their response;

We use English Wilton for our Jaguar carpet sets. There is now only 1 UK
manufacturer of wilton and no one is making the flock style.

Customer Service

World Upholstery

Jim Klekas

Submitted by cleavefamily@c… on Mon, 05/09/2011 - 21:03

Sorry but no matter what I did the chart just would not format correctly after pressing the submit button, e.i. what I submitted got reformatted. Contact me directed for a correctly formatted chart. If anyone knows how to attach a Word document to these forums, please let me know!

Submitted by cleavefamily@c… on Mon, 05/09/2011 - 20:57

Jim, Here you go - good luck

Body and Chassis Number Change Points: During Model Year 1968 (Series 1.5) Production

Mixed Form Body Number (from) Chassis Number (from)
E-type Open: 4E10048 1E 2080 RHD
ÔÇ£ 4E10002 1E17892 LHD
E-type FHC 4E27492 1E21858 RHD
ÔÇ£ 4E27465 1E35576 LHD
E-type 2+2 4E55010 1E51279 RHD
ÔÇ£ 4E54820 1E78691 LHD

Continuous Form Body Number Chassis Number
E-type Open: 4E10062 1E 2084 RHD
ÔÇ£ 4E10127 1E18004 LHD
E-type FHC 4E27502 1E21861 RHD
ÔÇ£ 4E27479 1E35612 LHD
E-type 2+2 4E55123 1E51305 RHD
ÔÇ£ 4E55129 1E78815 LHD

From a document found in the JaguarÔÇÖs Mahwah Archives entitled, ÔÇ£Modifications to XKEÔÇØ with no date or publication number, but in the same format, type, and condition as other dated and numbered official Jaguar documents stored in those archives.

Submitted by cleavefamily@c… on Mon, 05/09/2011 - 20:13

While researching for the Series 2 Judges guide at Jaguar's Mahwah Archives back in 2003? I stumbed across a document that lists the Chassis Number change points for the flocked carpet. It happened during the Series 1.5 production, so no Series 1s left the factory with flocked carpet. I need to find this document, I thought I could put my hands right on it ,but I can't, and this forum is time limited so I'll repost when I find it.

A fellow from the Delaware Valley Club hand some flocked carpet produced in China in red a while back for his Series 3. Email me direct for his name.

Submitted by on Mon, 05/09/2011 - 16:46

Did you ever find a source for flocked carpet. You mention Series 1.5, 2, and 3. How about S 1? Also, if S 1 is different, are all S 1.5 flocked or are some like S 1, as the changes from S 1 to S 1.5 seem to be phased in over time?

On another thread I asked about carpet and pad and it was suggested I use a supplier that was a JCNA sponsor. However, I'm having trouble identifying a sponsor that is a good source for the carpet.


Jim Klekas

Submitted by marga_mateu@ya… on Mon, 06/03/2002 - 00:00

It should be noted that Pascal deserves some kind of award for driving from Florida (about 21 hours) with his young daughter on Thursday, racing for two days, attending Mike Eck's Jag-Lovers Picnic in NJ on Sunday, then driving back to Florida on Sunday night. Talk about dedication and enthusiasism. Way to go, Pascal.

I aggree that this kind of event adds a whole new dimension to the car show and slalom series. We've been corner workers at Lime Rock for three years and I'm seriously considering doing the drivers school next year with our Series III XJ6 (I really don't want to install a roll bar on the 120.)

Kudos to the Empire Region club. It's a lot of work to put this event on and it is well worth it. Well done.