Concerning my 1982 HE V12 xjs. When I start the engine cold, the battery charging indicator will be low in the red area. If I let the engine warms up or take it to the road and give it a boost, then it will climb up to the charging area.

If I have the headlight off while it climb to the charging area, it will go back down to the red area again when I turn on the headlight until I give it another boost. Also the battery warning light will come on while the indicator climb up from the red area to the charging area.

Shell I change the alternator and battery or is it some other electrical problem? Thank you.

Submitted by on Mon, 08/27/2007 - 17:54

Art Dickenson.
1983 XJS GT "Silver"
Hi, if I had the problem I think I would have the battery tested at a reputable retailer of auto electronics, most shops will give a free batttery test which will include a very important LOAD TEST. If the battery is good I would have the alternatos output tested, although this sounds as if it is charging, however the internal regulator may be toast, Good Luck, Art