Jason - connected all hoses, filled the system w/ prep fluid, and ran up to temp. Then drain and refill w/ the coolant.

Running the engine (including through the heater core) circulates the prep fluid and helps it to absorb as much of the water as possible.

After a few hundred miles run with the coolant proper, you can pull a sample, send it off to Evans, and they will tell you the % of water left in the system (or you can buy the tool yourself - I wonder if the JCNA tool loan program has one???). I *THINK* they do this as a courtesy (i.e. no charge) - if so, not a bad deal.

I took a bunch of video when I did this, but alas, have been unsuccessful in making the time to learn how to stitch it all together.... Someday - it's on "The List"!

Good luck!