I can't believe my dumb question is the last thing on this post. I keep checking back hoping there will be something interesting to read here....post something.

I don't have any specific projects at the moment, I'm in-between "projects that maybe I'll do".

Current fantasy projects are purchasing lots of new hoses/gaskets & engine mount and getting a bunch of work done under the hood.

Also my paint is in sorry shape and I always hoped to get a paint job...but too $$ for me.

Spent a week carefully detailing the car
(followed this link http://blog.hemmings.com/index.php/2014/11/28/detailing-tips-for-vintage... and was particularly amazed at Meguiar’s #7 Show Car Glaze. I skipped the Meguiar’s #2 fine and the DA polisher)
and have been amazed at the results...I think I could live with just getting the bonnet painted between the 2 chrome pieces and be done with it.

So...probably will buy those parts soon ;)