The Jaguar Car Calub of North Florida is planning our first sanctioned Concours event and I am the committee chair for Judging and Awards. We currently have no members that are certified judges but hope to have a few by the time of our event, April 17, 2004.
I am soliciting advice and input from those of you with experience i Concours events and especially judging. Also I have a question on the number of judges we should anticipate needing, i.e. what is the typical number needed for a local club concours? We are also hoping that clubs in the southeast will participate in the event and act as judges as well.
We are new at this and want to have a successful event but we realize we will need participation from our clubs in the Southeast. Any of you that are interested in participating, please let me know and I will send information to you.
I look forward to your help and ideas.

Gaye Hanley
64 E-Type FHC (under restoration)
74 E-TYpe OTS

Submitted by ghanley@bellso… on Wed, 07/02/2003 - 10:06

Thank you both for your input and support.
Mike, you are right about the venue for our event, The World Golf Village in St. Augustine, FL. being an appealing spot. The WGV is an attraction in itself, not to mention nearby shopping and beaches. The location is beautiful and the village has hosted numerous car events and lends itself wonderfully.
There are several of us in the club that are definitely going to the Florida events this fall with the intention of working towards our judge certification. My personal knowledge is very strong in Series I and III E-types and pretty good in XJS and XJ6 Saloon as I have owned and worked with all 4 models. Other members have strengths in Series II E-type, and various Saloons.
It's time to form the study groups and hit the books!!

Gaye Hanley, Jaguar Car Club North Florida
64 E-Type FHC (under restoration)
74 E-TYpe OTS

Submitted by on Tue, 07/01/2003 - 21:02

You guys should be applaudded for getting an early start in the planning process for your event. I first heard about it a few weeks back while attending the Smokey Mountain Club concours in Gatlinburg, TN. Bill and Darlene Pair, from your club, were there handing out info for the event. That is really the best way to spread the word. Support the other clubs by attending thier events and talk up your event in person. I certainly hope that with the huge JCNA presence in FL that wou will have an excellent turnout. The venue sounds very appealling. There is alot going on in FL that same weekend. The JONAT tour will be starting in Orlando and the Festival of Exotic Cars in Mount Dora will be held beginning on Friday, with Jaguar being the featured marque. I am sure you are aware that they changed thier dates this year. It is quite a coincidence that so many Jaguar events are all happening at once. We attended Mount Dora last year and had a great time, particularly with the Orlando folks. We had hoped to attend this year, but my first loyalty is to the JCNA club events. We have our calender marked for The Leginds on the Green for next April. Hopefully we can pursuade some of our other members to attend as well.
Pascal's advice on judges is right on the money. You muxt depend on the other clubs to lend a helping hand, and there are several in the region who are well qualified.
Good luck and best wishes,

Mike Fulton

VP Carolina Jaguar Club

1938 SS Jaguar 1.5 Litre Saloon
More affectionately known as PEACHES

Submitted by on Tue, 07/01/2003 - 18:02

I hope we (SFJC) can have a few of our members interested. we usually have a few going up to Orlando...

The judging experts will help you I'm sure.... but the first thing is to hold a couple of seminars and get them to pass the judge test. Then they cna be apprentices, you 've got Orlando, Tampa and our coming up in the fall. that shoudl give them the minimum experience but some help will be needed. South Carolina isn't far from you and some of theirs have a lot of experience.

Problem is of course that the course/test only coves the basic elements of judging, it doesn't / can't address originality issues.. that's were experienced is needed. depending on how knowledgeable your club judges are, you will need help form other clubs.

How many judges are needed is obvioulsy depending on how many car you have. 15 minutes per car maximum in judging, one team of 3 can handle 6 to 8 cars without feeling overworked. if you have 25 cars on your first year, you'll need 10 to 12 judges. If you have more cars, your judges will have to work more :-)

Pascal Gademer
South Florida Jaguar Club
72 E-type 2+2
00 XKR Coupe
99 XJR