just got my renewal from Hagerty for the E, no change in premium ( $297 for 39.5k agreed value / no deduct and 300k liability), and they now offer flatbed roadside assistance for an extra $15. limited to 3 calls per year...:-) but no mention on mileage.

Has anyone used their roadside assist service ?

BTW, aditional liability insurance is very cheap, check the amount that you have on your policy, I think their standard is way too low...

Pascal Gademer
72 E-type 2+2
00 XKRCoupe
99 XJR

Submitted by mfrank@westnet.com on Wed, 11/13/2002 - 20:03

I've been using JC Taylor for years, never had a claim, and I don't think their rates have changed in ages.

I wouldn't use my insurance for roadside assistance, just because I had a terrible experience with Allstate some years ago, where after I had an accident, they counted every call I'd ever made to them as a chargeable incident as an excuse to raise my rates. AAA is $90 a year, covers all my cars, and has never failed me.

Mike Frank

Submitted by pascal@jcna.com on Fri, 11/08/2002 - 00:36


Regular registration, but no driving to work or use as a regular driver... and you must have a "normal" car for each licensed driver in the household.

No hard mileage limit either.

Pascal Gademer
72 E-type 2+2
00 XKRCoupe
99 XJR

Submitted by warren.hansen@… on Fri, 11/08/2002 - 00:15


Are there any limitations on your use of the car? Do you have regular registration or classic/vintage/whatever? I've just investigated similar coverage from the Grundy Group through Chubb, with a similar rate quoted, and no milage limit. Wish I'd known about it two years earlier!