Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 08/14/2001 - 18:00

The JCNA Communications Committee, more readily identified these days as JCNACC, has been in existence for about eighteen months and has responsibility for all aspects of the JCNA Website and also the Annual Club Website Awards Program.

Recently, several followers and supporters of JCNACC have asked me why we don't have any women on our team, (or did we want to be just like all those other male dominated JCNA committees?). Well you can imagine, this last barb really cut to the quick and made me reassess just what we stand for. First of all, we definitely do NOT see ourselves as just one more committee, after all, we are one of the few who are proud to list our members in the public domain, but the point is well taken if we are to truly represent the interests of the whole membership. Now for the action!

I would ask our JCNA women members, who would be interested in joining a team of self assured, highly talented and often strongly opinionated men, who just happen to share an exciting vision, to please communicate with me confidentially and directly at the email address above, so we can start a dialog. If you have some literary experience, that would definitely be a plus, but not an essential. Also I want to stress that this invitation to join JCNACC is NOT a gesture of tokenism, but based on a genuine desire to reflect the true composition and talents of our membership.

To encourage your response to this invitation, please understand that JCNACC is striving to be the ultimate and instant information resource for our membership; a 'community hall' where one can come to share values, beliefs and concerns. We see JCNA, not as a hierachical organization, but a mosiac of local clubs whose needs and expectations are combined and reflected in a common JCNA vision and plan. Your JCNA website is an excellent catalyst for such a concept to be actualized.

Nothwithstanding the exclusivity of this long submission, clearly directed at our women members, I do invite ALL of our forum readers to comment on what they expect from JCNA or indeed JCNACC in particular.

Bruce MacCormack