This is diagrammed in the Parts Catalogue, which is a worthwhile addition to your service library. The Thermostatic Vacuum Switch has 4 nipples; counting from the rear they are labeled D, C, F and T. "D" goes to the Distributor retard module. "C" goes to the underside of the left rear Carb. "F" goes to the right hand air Filter and "T" goes to the vacuum T in the middle of the valley.

That said, the entire purpose of that system was to run the engine ignition very retarded so it would warm up faster and waste a lot of fuel in the process. When the engine got too hot the vacuum retard would be released, the engine idle would speed up and the engine would cool down to below boiling. I found that when I disconnected the vacuum retard and adjusted the timing to 12 deg. BTDC the idle speed went up to about 2000 RPM. That told me that a lot of fuel was being wasted with the standard setup. My recommendation to you would be to disconnect the hoses and plug the appropriate ones. If you need to keep the car original looking for concours then put plugs inside the hoses and reconnect them.