Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 07/31/2001 - 18:00

I suppose I should put in my 2 cents worth since I am the one who brought the C and D Types to Franklin and started this mess in the first place.

Anyone who knows me is well aware that I have a passion for these cars. 13 years ago I stopped participating in JCNA events because of all the politics and B.S. and chose to do Vintage racing and tours.I like to use my cars. I do however, believe that we are only the "keeper" of these cars while we are around and owe it to the world to let other people see them, regardless of how you choose to do that. I happen to prefer to do that on the track or road.

I organize a tour for C and D Types each year and thought I could do something really special by getting the largest gathering of these cars together anyone has ever seen. I did that. I had 23 C and D Types there. Whats the most the JCNA has had before at one time...3? Make no mistake, it is these cars that built Jaguars Heritage. It took me 2 months of work and organizing to do this. I had 7 cars there that were on loan by the owners,(who could not attend) simply because they are my friends, I asked them, and they believe in the cause. THIS is a good example of the true spirit of the C and D Type owners. This was a great deal of work and resposibility. I was responsible for 25 million dollars worth of cars. I take offense to the remarks that we are "elitist Bastards" and Snobs. We have a GREAT group of people. People that would send their valuble cars purely for the enjoyment of others... the very people that would call them names and insult them? These remarks are totally untrue and uncalled for. I only hope that owners of these cars don't hear of this. Brian Adamo apologized to me privately by email. I asked him to make it public to all those who read his story. At this point I am not aware of him doing that. I am still waiting.

A lot of things could have happened. I don't know all the details as I did not see what happened but I am sure everyone was busy and excited and fuses were short. Kathy had a lot of things going at one time. If Brian was taking off work to follow a group that he wasn't invited to, he should have asked. I was looking for someone to take pictures. You don't go to a party you weren't invited to. Also what is wrong with having a tour for C and D Types?? Has there never been a tour for specific models before?? If we had a group of MK 7 sedans there would be no problem, but because they are valuble cars we are snobs! There were comments made that people could not see the cars enough. They were open to veiwing from the time I unloaded them Wed. Am until Sunday morning when I loaded them back up.

Websites are great but can be so easily abused. People that abuse the website as in this case should be banned or booted from the JCNA for a period of time. I did not catch much of this because I am not on the E Type list, but someone says something, it snowballs and gets everyone all fired up. Some of you need to get a life! I am sure things could have been a bit better, but was it all that bad? We had a great group of cars, people, and the weather was...well OK.

As is always the case, the few spoil it for the many. There were some very nice comments in my defense and I appreciate that.

There is one advantage for me with this situation. I was wondering what I would say next time someone asks me to do something like this again. This has made the decision so much easier!

(I think that was more than 2 cents worth)

Best Regards,

Terry Larson