Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 11/11/2001 - 17:00

Pass the enveloppe, roll the drums, ... well almost...

The season is over and all results (except two) have been gathered and compiled into the non official provisional experimental database used since mid august to provide up to date data here on the JCNA site.

These results will be available shortly in the Standings section but in the meantime I have uploaded a copy at the address below.

The only concours not included yet are Houston and Phoenix, which took place on nov. 2nd and nov 10th. they will be included as soon as I receive them.

I would like to thank all of the clubs who helped in this project by sending me a copy of their results electronically. It has been very useful in speeding up the process. A big thank you to Bill Streitenberger, JCNA official score keeper, who faxed me those results I couldn't get electronically.

While I've tried to ensure these results were accurate, they are not official. Please report any discrepancy, error or omission directly to my address above.

Pascal Gademer

JCNA Communications Committee