Analysis of 42 car concours (largest field this year to date) and the effect of proposals to modify award scheme.

1) Current JCNA Scoring System:

42 cars entered ÔÇô 39 awards given out ÔÇô 17 awards non competitive. These are broken down by place as follows: 24/10/5 = 39 awards

2) My Proposal (Division Awards plus Competitive Class Awards):

3 Driven division (1st/2nd/3rd)
6 Champion division (6-way tie for first ÔÇô all 100.0 cars; highly unusual)
22 Class awards broken down as: 15/5/2
31 total awards given out, all competitively won

Because some entrants can receive BOTH division and class awards, of the 31 awards given out, only 23 entrants of the 42 receive an award, the other 8 are ÔÇÿdouble winnersÔÇÖ. So, there are 19 non winners vs only 3 non winners under the current JCNA award system.

3) Alternative Using Scoring Thresholds:

JCNA threshold definition (90/80/70) ÔÇô no effect on awards, ALL cars meet 1st place threshold.

My proposal for higher thresholds (98.0/99.0/99.5):
One 1st place ÔÇô no award
Two 1st place ÔÇô relegated to 2nd place
One 1st place ÔÇô relegated to 3rd place
One 2nd place ÔÇô no award
One 3rd place ÔÇô no award

Note that these were non competitive awards to begin with, so the number of non competitive awards would be reduced from 17 to 14, a small reduction. The overall award distribution goes from 24/10/5 to 20/11/5.