Esteemed Readers,

You are all without doubt familiar with the magazine which the Jaguar company sends to the owners of its cars, entitled either "Jaguar" or "Jaguar Magazine". I am seeking a back-edition of this magazine, and, because Jaguar themselves have not been able to help me, I am placing a message here in the hope that someone here can. The issue I need is that of Autumn 2002, which apparently featured an article set in or about the Faroe Islands, south of Iceland.

If anyone has this issue, and could check whether it really does have such an article in it, I would be most grateful.

Jan van Griethuysen, the Hague, Netherlands

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Thu, 08/04/2005 - 16:47

Slick Daniel---You still alive? Saw the pics. of your Cooper "S". You lucky b%%#*&%! George Camp

Submitted by on Thu, 08/04/2005 - 09:28

It does. Nice pictures too. Are you looking for a copy?

Daniel Thompson
XK Club representative
Jaguar Enthusiasts Club
Jaguar Owners Association - Montreal