My 87 XJ6 seems to run rough when it warms up but what I saw the other day after winters storage was gas on the ground on the drivers side. I opened the gas fillers and could hear air being sucked in. I then took her for a ride with the caps open and she ran great. What would cause this excessive vacuum in the tanks?

Thank you

Submitted by on Wed, 06/15/2005 - 10:02

Hey Bill

There are a few things I can think of:

1) It could be the gas filter located in the boot. I replaced mine and the amount of junk that was in there was amazing! It's possible that there could be some junk in that...but the vacuum issue probably is something else; though it's all connected.

2) The charcoal canister in the front passenger tire well could easily be to blame. It might need cleaning or replacing, check and see how the hoses are that lead to it. Try disconnecting the hose that goes into it and see if the pressure dies down a bit; if so, then maybe replace or clean the canister. It can easily be removed from its mounting.

3) Something that can cause a rough idle with regard to vacuum pressure in the engine is this tiny hose that is located right next to the cold start runs from the air pump. I accidently pulled the hose off this tiny little spicket on the engine and it caused my 1986 XJ6 to idle rough for like two months before I realized what I had done. Hahah, whoops...

4) Where exactly is there gas on the driver's side?! That doesn't make much sense unless you are talking about the rear of the car. There could be excess junk / build up in your tanks/fuel lines. It's possible that one of the return valves located in the rear tire wells is to blame. Definitely run cleaner through the fuel system, especially being in storage.

Hopefully this is helpful at least. I have been through my 1986 bumper to bumper. I know every inch of the car and everything I mentioned I have dealt with at one point or another. :)

Take care