Every month or two, when turning the ignition key to start the engine, nothing happens,,all dash lights on, radio, etc., new battery, key fobs working perfectly. Might turn the key 2-3 more times & car starts & runs perfectly,,or might have to wait for 10-30 min. & try again then it starts & runs perfectly. Will start perfectly for the next 50-100 times & then not engage the starter. 2 dealers have spent hours diagnosing fault codes, etc., but found nothing amiss and are stumped.
Someone, somewhere, must have experinced this ?? Please share how you rectified the problem.
Thank you..

Submitted by helicoptorman@… on Fri, 01/04/2013 - 20:24

Hi I have a 1999 with the same problem. I replaced the starter and the altanator. turnsout I checked the electrical line and found a link (double threaded bolt) on the pass side of the engine compartment. If u see a wire tith a rubber boot at the end. Chek too feel if its hot. also explore to see its other side . if you find another boot check to see if there is some corosion.(should be brass). After taking mine apart and cleaning it to bear metam I had perfict starting and charging (14.12 amps).