The top and the rear windows are not working, all the fuses are good and the six relays are new, does anyone has an idea?
Thank you


1962 Mark II 3.8L
1994 XJS
2005 S TYPE
2006 KJ8
All in South Florida

Submitted by michel@dinomar… on Wed, 07/11/2007 - 17:32


Thank you for your help, the problem was with the hand brake and now averything is working fine, I will keep your picture in case i have the same problem



1962 Mark II 3.8l
1994 XJS
2005 S TYPE
2006 KJ8

Submitted by on Wed, 07/11/2007 - 16:59

I'd try it with the power on first & see what happens, it sounds like the windows should work, but then, I'm no expert, just lucky. (FYI: My photo above is showing the LEFT rear window.)
Good luck,
Pete Forte
& the red 92 XJS Conv.

Submitted by michel@dinomar… on Wed, 07/11/2007 - 13:57

Thank you Pete,

I just purchased the car on Ebay and received it two weeks ago. We are detailling it at my shop and fixing minor problems. I do not know if the top was lowered properly. When we try to open it nothing worked, so we switch the pump to manual operation and lowered the top. Then we checked all fuses and jumped a couple of relays and the rear windows moved up and down and the pump moved the top up. So we put all six new relays today but nothing is working. Should we lower the top by hand and switch the pump back and try again?

Thank you for your time.


1962 MARK II 3.8L
1994 XJS
2005 S TYPE
2006 KJ8

Submitted by on Wed, 07/11/2007 - 12:42

First, and you may know this, the top must be completely lowered before raising it again. Several years ago I had problems with one window not rising. I found an adjusting screw at the top of the worm gear, tightened it and solved the problem. (see red arrow in photo below.) It acted up this spring, I went back to the same place, made a little adjustment and everything is okay. Hope that does it for you.
Pete Forte
& the red 92 XJS Conv.