Hello everyone, I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction with a problem I'm experiencing with my '91 XJS transmission. I just changed out all the fuel injector hoses as they were leaking. The trans was shifting smoothly before,but now it seems to be stuck in second gear. It will go from first into second but is stuck in the second gear. It will move into neutral and reverse. After reading about Andre's 85 XJS transmission issues, I checked all the hoses and wiring. Everything seems connected.Is there something else I should be looking for? Any insights would be greatly appreciated.


Don Verrico

Submitted by silver007@shaw.ca on Tue, 07/21/2009 - 22:08

Hi Don,
all the simple micro switches are oblivious to which way you put the wires back on, I believe.......... did you put the vacum hose back on the bottom of the cruise control bellows unit, if not that may confuse the trans with a vacum leak, also make sure the vacum hose that goes to the tranny from the rear of the intake manifold ( rhs ) is hooked up..........
Gooc Luck,, Art

Submitted by DVerr94100@com… on Tue, 07/21/2009 - 18:47

Hello again, some info I left out earlier maybe of help in solving this. The fuel rail was removed and then reattached. Is it possible that some wiring was crossed. There are several micro-processors that looked alike. If they were put back incorrectly,would they be likely to cause the trans to act this way?
Again, any insights would be appreciated.

Don Verrico