Hello, I recently almost sold my 1972 XJ-6 which i knew ran excellent and was told by the original owners daughter that her father had reconditioned the motor but she didn't know much else(he is no longer alive). It has a total of 163500 miles.
I could tell the head was done, and the entire motor had been resealed with blue gasket maker even the sump, but not used as a head gasket material thankfully. The motor doesn't leak much oil either and stays very clean.
The oil gauge inside the car would register around 27lbs. at idle and just barely touch 40lbs when above and up to whatever rpm. I noticed the sending unit which screws into the filter housing leaked a little and suspected the oil pressure would be a bit higher when really checked with a direct oil pressure gauge.
I just checked it a few hours after driving it on the highway all day, oil still pretty hot, and the new direct hand held oil gauge read 50lbs. at idle and at 2500 rpm pressure was 75lbs. and slowly still climbing as i increased revs.
I hoped and suspected the mains and con rod bearings had been done since the P.O. took such pride in this car.
Does this sound like typical oil pressure for a 40 year old 4.2L motor with 163000+ miles on it? Thanks.