Thanks George I will look into the items you reference. It has become less of an adventure over the years as I have become much more familiar with what on my car is Series I and Series II and point that out when on the phone with suppliers.

I have never heard your explanation of the gold head before. I bought my car from the original family in 2000 and they gave me a folder full of receipts going back a long time. The head had very tired looking gold paint on it especially right above the exhaust manifolds but the engine is original per the Heritage certificate. The certificate does not say anything about gold head. I have always thought if some one were to paint it gold after assembly they probably would not have bothered with the area above the manifolds. The wife of the family did not remember the engine ever being apart and there were no receipts noting any cyl head or internal engine work. I have seen photos of a few other 68's with gold head but like you say most are blond alu. I guess I will never really know for sure.

David Barnes
68 E-Type FHC