The Jaguar Drivers Club of North Texas held their second annual "British Envasion" concourse at the State Fair of Texas Saturday, October 2, 2004 with a reception at the "Adams Mark Hotel" in Dallas on the previous evening. Special thanks to "Autobahn Motorcar Group", "Jaguar Credit", and "English Color" for their help in making the concourse the great success that it was. A reception was held at the "Adams Mark Hotel" in Dallas Friday evening followed with a ride around Dallas in "The Bus" (a double decker English bus with authentic right hand drive). Saturday morning the cars formed a caravan at the Adams Mark Hotel led by "The Bus" and proceeded to Fair Park with Police Escort. The cars were parked inside the perimeter of the "Classic Car Corral" where they were cleaned and judged. The rain forcast for Saturday was replaced by excellent weather in the 70s and no rain in sight. All in all it couldn't have been a more fun and relaxing event.