Date: Sep, 18 2024 Sep, 22 2024

2024 JCNA International Jaguar Festival Cancelled

To:           All JCNA Regional Directors and Members

From:      J. J. Keig, JCNA President

Date:       April 29, 2024

Subject:  Status of the 2024 International Jaguar Festival

It is with deep regret that the 2024 International Jaguar Festival originally planned for Flagstaff, Arizona, has been cancelled.

As the incoming President of JCNA, I strongly supported this event that was originally scheduled this year for September for several reasons: 

  • Hosting an IJF and the three primary sanctioned events would provide overdue opportunities for an underserved geographic market area for many JCNA clubs, understanding that many JCNA members must travel far and wide to secure three sanctioned scores in order to be eligible for North American points. An event in Flagstaff would provide a 3rd, and possibly a 4th sanctioned event and therefore greatly reduce the time, expense, and resources to obtain the minimum number of events.

  • JCNA has advertised this signature event to be held in Flagstaff, AZ since last fall.

  • Significant planning, arrangements and the resources of others have been made by JCNA, and affiliate clubs. 

Unfortunately, despite extraordinary efforts, we have been unable to coordinate appropriate hotel lodging and venue space that would be suitable for both the Concours and Slalom events with all the amenities for a safe, affordable, and enjoyable event. The cancellation decision was made by both the Executive Committee and the Board of JCNA after much consideration and discussion.

Unforeseen complications with our planning process contributed to the cancellation of this event. Measurable actions have been taken to prevent such occurrences in the future.

Please accept my sincere apologies for any disruption to plans this may have caused. 

Looking forward to 2025, JCNA is fortunate to have many well managed and robust clubs located in optimum market areas that would be ideal for an IJF. Please contact your Regional Director or myself personally if your club is interested in hosting our next IJF.

J. J. Keig

President, Jaguar Clubs of North America