Date: Mar, 30 2006 Apr, 01 2006
The Jaguar Drivers and Restorers Club of Northwest America (JDRC/NWA) is delighted to host the 2006 AGM in the Seattle area on March 30th to April 2nd 2006. This is a fantastic opportunity to visit the Northwest and see the lush green landscapes, evergreen trees, snow capped mountains and restful islands. Visit www.stayinwashington.com for visitor information on the area.
JDRC/NWA have secured an excellent location with the Embassy Suites, Seattle-Tacoma International Airport in Tukwila (www.embassyseatac.com or click on link in sidebar for online reservations). It is just 5 miles south of Seattle; the hotel has a relaxing tropical interior pool, hot tub and a quality restaurant. It is only blocks from Westfield Shopping Town South center the largest mall in Washignton State. All rooms are suites at $99 per night, a special JCNA rate available March 27 through April 5. Make your reservation by calling 1 800 EMBASSY or 425 227 8844 and ask for the Jaguar group rate.and are currently hard at work on finalizing details for the weekend. The Embassy Suites offers great facilities and excellent access to Seattle, the great Northwest and the airport. Of course the stories of rain in Seattle are not entirely without foundation so don’t forget to bring an umbrella!
The highlight of the schedule includes a cocktail reception and dinner at the Museum
of Flight on Friday evening. The museum has a collection of more than 150 historically significant air and spacecraft, as well as the Red Barn® the original manufacturing facility of The Boeing Co. Before gathering in the Personal Courage Wing for the private reception and dinner, under the wings of 28 WWI and WW2 Fighters, attendees will enjoy a private tour of the museum inculding the "Great Gallery" with 39 full sized aircrafts 23 of which hang from the ceiling. The Personal Courage Wing is sure to inspire as it is dedicated to telling the stories not only of those who flew, but the people who designed, built and maintained these amazing aircraft. For more details about the museum, including information on unique aircraft such as Airforce One and a British Airways Concorde, visit the www.museumofflight.org web site.
Elections results :
President : Dennis Eynon
Vice President : Steve Weinstein
Secretary : Sherman Taffel
Exec. Com. Member : Phil Miller
Special Awards :
Dealer of the Year : Jaguar Tacoma O'Brien
Andrew Whyte Service Award : Jacqueline Maletsky, Jaguar Touring Club
Fred Horner Award : Cynthia Loveall, Heart Of America Jaguar Club
Karen Miller Editor of the Year Award : Doug Ingram, Jaguar Car Club of Victoria
Website of the Yesr Award : JAG San Francisco, Dana Brown
Note : some rule book chapter have been slightly amended at the AGM, please download the final version of the 2006 rule book, ver 8.3, from the concours resource center.
upd 3/26/06 Final AGM Agenda
pst 10/13/05 Revisions and requests for confirmation have been highlighted in yellow
upd 3/8/06 E-type Series 1.5 Judging Guide,
send comments to Stew Cleave
revised 2/21/06 Rule Book Chapter I by JCRC
send comments to Stew Cleave
revised 2/21/06 Rule Book Chapter V by JCRC
send comments to Dick Cavicke
Minor change to allow dealer or Jaguar club license plate holders and to add judging of over mats supplied as original to the entry.
revised 2/21/06 Rule Book Chapter VI by JCRC
send comments to Dick Cavicke
posted 2/2/06 Rule Book Chapter II page 1 by JCRC
send comments to Stew Cleave
posted 3/2/06 Score Sheet # 1 (OV) by JCRC
send comments to Stew Cleave
posted 3/2/06 Score Sheet # 2 (Exterior) by JCRC
send comments to Stew Cleave
posted 3/2/06 Score Sheet # 3 (Interior) by JCRC
send comments to Stew Cleave
posted 3/2/06 Score Sheet # 4 (Engine) by JCRC
send comments to Stew Cleave
posted 3/14/06 Rally Glossary by Rally Commitee
send comments to Brian Blackwell
posted 3/14/06 Rally Chapter 1 : What is a JCNA rally
send comments to Brian Blackwell
Amended to remove the word "standoff" from 1.5.6 and to only give times to novices only in 1.5.3
posted 3/14/06 Rally Chapter 7 : JCNA Rally Championship Program Rules
send comments to Brian Blackwell
Amended to remove tie breaker based on time error.
posted 3/14/06 Rally Chapter 8 : Rallymaster Instructions for Running of the Rally
send comments to Brian Blackwell
Approving rejection by JCRC of member proposal to change E-type hardtop judging.
Approving rejection by JCRC of member proposal to split D1 Class. (D1 wil NOT be split)
Change Slalom rules to allow participants to receive more than one North American award a year in different classes
By Law Change to prevent future bylaw change to be presented at AGM without an 8 week notice.
2/22/06 Nominating Committee Report - *GOES TO ANOTHER JCNA PAGE*
3/8/06 Membership Report
3/14/06 Business Committee Report
3/16/06 Rally Committee
3/16/06 Slalom Committee
2/20/06 JCRC Report
Ray Papineau & Linda Papineau
Links and Resources -
AGM Announcement
Registration Form (word)
Registration Form (pdf)
Proxy Vote Assignement
JDRCWA Website
Museum of Flight
- Hotel Info -
Embassy Suites Seattle Tacoma in Tukwila
1 800 EMBASSY or 425 227 8844
$ 99 a night JCNA group rate
Online Hotel Reservation (new 11/28)
Registration packets will be mailed to all JCNA affiliate clubs no later than December 1 and available for download on the club website at www.seattlejagclub.org
and JCNA’s website at www.jcna.com.
- Schedule -
Thursday- March 30th
3pm -9 pm Registration
Friday- March 31st
8am - 5pm Registration
8am - 3pm JCNA Board of Directors meeting
1pm - 3pm Seminars:
details tba
4:15pm - 6pm Tour Museum of Flight
6pm - 7pm Cocktail hour
7pm - 10pm Dinner
Saturday- April 1st
6:45am - 7:45am Breakfast
8am - 11am Registration
8am - 3pm Annual General Meeting
12pm-1pm Lunch
3pm - 5pm Seminars:
details tba
6:30pm Cocktail hour
7:30 pm Banquet and Awards